Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Rachel Stride {Senior}

Meet Rachel.

She is a high school senior.
She is a photographer.
She is a lifeguard.

Rachel is dual enrolled at Santa Fe Community College in Gainesville, Florida. She only has a few more classes until achieving her AA and after that she plans to enroll in the school's graphic design program. She wants to design websites...how cool is that? She also loves photography.

Check out her work here! 

Rachel was such a great subject to work with and her family was so welcoming! They live out in the country and there were so many beautiful places to take pictures. We even took some in the family's garden! Their family also adopted a beautiful little girl {Josie} just last month. They have such a love for people and it's evident in their lives! Thanks for letting me take your pictures, Rachel! :)

 Isn't she beautiful?

 This is Josie. She was helping pick green beans in the garden. :)

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